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Sculptra Services Green Bay



Sculptra is an FDA approved injectable biostimulator that helps gradually replace lost facial volume and soften lines/wrinkes. This Poly-L-Lactic Acid (PLLA) stimulates the body to produce collagen, a crucial component to supporting the framework of facial tissue. The collagen rebuilding process is gradual, which leads to very natural, beautiful results.

Sculptra is perfect for the client who wants to prevent aging or help reverse the aging process without looking overdone or unnatural.

Not sure what you need?

Schedule a consultation!



what to EXPECT


We require a pre-treatment consultation for all new Sculptra clients. This allows us to create a treatment plan, complete a thorough medical history and go over pricing as it varies based on age. Sculptra utilizes decade dosing so number of vials required depends on client age + volume loss.


Pricing varies. Further specifics can be provided at consultation.
Ask about our membership option!

Benefits of Sculptra Green Bay

Say Goodbye to…

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Some Self love Notes


BEFORE + after


On the fence? Here are some examples of the transformations that Sculptra can help create! Check out more before/afters →


 Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions, we have answers! Here are some common questions related to Sculptra. If you have a question that is not listed, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

  • Sculptra is a poly-L-lactic acid injectable product that stimulates your body to produce it's own natural collagen. Sculptra helps gradually replace or prevent the loss of facial volume which leads to aging process.

  • We lose 1% of our collagen every year starting at age 18. By the time we are 45, we've lost 25% of our collagen. Sculptra helps stimulate our body to start producing collagen to help combat this natural loss with age.

  • At your first appointment, we do a consult and create a treatment plan. We will go over medical history, consents and take photos for planning purposes. We will then schedule your next appointment to actually receive the Sculptra treatment.

  • Sculptra is injected into specific areas of the face where we note volume loss with the use of syringe + needle. Bruising and swelling is expected in the first 2 weeks due to the needle use, but most clients can resume normal day-to-day activity the following day. If you have any history of blood clotting disorders or take blood thinning medications, this can increase your chances of more significant bruising.

  • Sculptra is dosed based on age, so the number of vials you will require depends on what decade of life you fall into. We discuss this during the treatment planning phase of your consultation.

  • After the initial losing dose based on age, Sculptra clients can expect to receive 1 vial per year as maintenance. 1 vial is $800.

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the products we use